Tuesday, September 25, 2007

bedside building...

So this is really cool...Drew really wanted to have some bedside tables, but everywhere we went, they cost about a million, so he decided that he could make them himself for half as much. We went to Lowe's and purchased all the wood, hardware and paint so he could start building them. Not more than a few days later, they were done and look REALLY great! Just like the ones in the magazines we saw except they cost half as much! So...Drew is now the building conqueror.

PS I am not really sure what a building conqueror is, but it sounded really good at the time..so..that is that!

2 love notes:

Sara said...

Drew has amazing carpentry skills. Maybe he can be a building conqueror for me too.

tothe4thfloor said...

That is seriously impressive! Why isn't Tim handy??