Wednesday, April 28, 2010


image via {here}
Today I would very much like a set of these stainless steel straws for my morning smoothies...

3 love notes:

Mrs. JM said...

today i've decided my morning smoothies give me the toots. flax seed maybe?

love the straws!

s.calder said...

lol Flax definitely is good at regulating for me :) It wouldn't surprise me if that were the cause of your tooting.

Mrs. JM said...

i've turned into a (more) neurotic person. at first, i was convinced it was dairy so i eliminated it. only change; less bloating. so then i was convinced it was flax, only change; none. whey protein powder? maybe. even more likely, gluten intolerance? what do you think? now that you're graduated you can answer all of my neurotic questions. should i avoid soy milk? some say yes, the hormones = no bueno?

oh! so how confident are you in your sewing abilities? my mom has a square table. 60x60. she cannot find a decent looking table cloth to fit. i've been looking too but found nothing. i got to thinking ... maybe sarah could make me one out of some fabulous fabric? i would give it to her for her birthday. it's not until october. if you are willing and able, i will compensate. eh?