Thursday, September 23, 2010


image via {donna}
As I walked into the grocery store this morning, all I could smell was warm, spiced apple cider. Then as I picked up my yogurt (next to the butcher), they were cooking fresh bacon. Finally, while walking out of the store so fast to avoid buying everything I smelled ("stick to the list, stick to the list"), the smell of glazed ham was everywhere.

Fall is officially here, though you wouldn't know it from the temperatures here.

And so are the brilliant store managers.

It's funny how smells can determine so many things and transport you a million places at once. I could have sworn it was Thanksgiving season this morning.

I am looking forward to:
oranges and reds
turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes
Brussels sprouts
squash and sweet potatoes
cider and hot chocolate
corn mazes

Christmas music (I turned it on the other day)
and of course, everything about the holidays
in general

3 love notes:

Emily said...

I agree..the smells really make me think (and look forward to) holidays. I'm also a huge fan of Christmas music. :-)

Unknown said...

We listened to Christmas music today on our RECORD player!

s.calder said...

Your record player?!?! That sounds like the holidays to me...